US Health Guide

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Check your blood pressure regularly

If you are diabetic you probably already know that life is not as easy as it was before you became a diabetic. There are a lot of things you need to be aware of such as what foods you can and can not eat. Maintaining blood sugar at the right level is important for increased wellbeing and to avoid any symptoms that you might have because of the fluctuations.

But keeping you sugar levels at the right level is just one of many things you will need to be aware of if you want to stay healthy and fit. Today we can read in newspapers and watch on the evening news that people are becoming obese. Obesity will stress the heart because it has to pump the blood through the vanes of a much larger body that what it was designed to do. This can result in high blood pressure and strokes.

Whether you are in the best shape of your life or you are one of the obese people that is talked about in the news you need to monitor your blood pressure so you will know when or if something is wrong before you end up with a stroke that might kill you.

One option is to see you doctor at a regular basis but you can also choose to measure your blood pressure with the Omron HEM 780 Blood Pressure Monitor that is sold in stores around the country. The advantage is that it will only cost you a one time investment and if you are more people in your household you can all use it. Instead of running to see your doctor regularly (costing you both time and money) you can now test yourself and your loved ones regularly and with very little effort. From the many customer reviews it is said to be a very easy to use device that will also provide reliable stats.

How to buy bags on internet shopping site

By seohyun

Online consumers spend billions of dollars each year, and as online shopping becomes more and more favored, the major reason why there are still some people who would rather not shop online is shopping security. Here are some guidelines, which you could use to make sure that your security, privacy and rights will be protected when shopping on the internet.

1. Make sure that you are aware of the currency exchange rate before purchasing any international merchandise.

2. Know the delivery cost and time frame before you even place your order. A lot of shopping websites make use of couriers in the delivery of goods. Also, overseas delivery could be expensive.

3. Before placing a bid on eBay, make sure that you will be checking the feedback of the buyers and sellers. Make this your standard as you go on eBay.

4. Always, always, always read the FAQs of the website carefully.

5. If the company or individual you are buying from asks for cash as payment, say no. Using your credit card for payments would be able to protect you from fraudulent transactions. This is because credit card companies are able to issue refunds if there would be any proven fraudulent activity on your account.

6. View the contact page of the buyer. Verify if their postal address is on there. If it is not, do not do business with them.

7. If you have questions, ask. Genuine sellers are helpful and there are even shopping websites that have customer feedback forms.

8. Read twice the company's terms and conditions, as well as their privacy policy.

9. Try searching the company in Google or any search engine to know more about the company from comments and reviews from other consumers.

10. If you still feel unsure on shopping online, then you could probably try shopping the conventional way. You need not force yourself on something that you are uncertain of. However, do not shy away from online shopping altogether. Eventually, you would realize that it could provide a truly worthwhile experience.

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Can Anti-Snore Exercises Really Stop Snoring?

By Christian Goodman

Is you snoring threatening your life? Well, over 23% of couples suffer from this serious situation. If you aren't being kept awake by your partners snoring, you are repeatedly being jabbed awake by them trying to stop you from snoring. In fact, not getting enough sleep is truly life threatening

Losing your focus in heavy traffic during the day can be life threatening. If you are distracted for only a few seconds, you could easily wind up in a terrific accident. Another way loss of sleep can affect you is when your emotional and physical well being are out of balance. The result could be heart attack, nervous breakdown or stroke for example.

Neither you nor your partner are to blame. And surely you have attempted some sort of treatment to eliminate the snoring altogether. Hopefully you haven't done like some who have had expensive, dangerous surgery in an attempt to solve the problem only to be worse off afterward.

To be able to cure your snoring, you must know what causes it. Snoring is always caused by some kind of blockage in the breathing passages. When the breathing passage is blocked, the airflow (breathing) becomes irregular, not smoothly flowing like it should be. This irregular airflow slams the soft tissues in your breathing passages around like a door in a wind. Your throat and mouth become like speakers powered by powerful amplifier and your partner cant sleep.

The noise becomes really bad when the soft palate (a flexible part of the back of the roof of the mouth) also begins to vibrate. Sometimes, if the soft palate is weak, then the tip of it will bang down on the tongue (which may be dropping into the throat at the same time) like a bongo drum.

Curing snoring can be very difficult regardless of the fact that there is only one cause. This is because the blockages vary so widely and to top it all off, many people have more than one type of block causing their snoring.

Here are just few examples of what can cause your snoring:

1) Weak tongue also falls into the throat and blocks it. This is very common if you sleep on your back but can also happen when sleeping on your side.

2) Pressure on the air passageways caused by tense jaw muscles. Dentists try to alleviate this with dental implants. It is much easier to loosen up and relax the jaw muscles to avoid this cause.

3) As has already been mentioned, the soft palate is another source of blockage. When weak, it will flap around and make the snoring sound more easily. In most cases, the soft palate is not too big, it is too weak.

4) Additionally the soft palate may be too weak and will lay too close to the tongue. This makes it very easy for it to flap around and make those horrendous snoring sounds.

5) Finally, anything that builds up in your throat will work as a dam for your breathing passages. The most common dams are fat or cigarette tars in the throat or allergy in the sinuses.

Now you ask how you can get rid of these blocks to relieve your snoring?

I guess when you look at it, its just a common sense. Ive found that you can train this part of your body like any other part. Working out the breathing passages. Using a few exercises, each focused on one area in and around your throat, will remove ANY block you have. No matter whats causing your snoring. The simplicity of this is that no matter what blocks your breathing passages the same few exercises will cure you.

Training the tongue will strengthen it and by doing that prevent it from dropping into your throat when you sleep.

Loosening up the jaw, using the jaw exercises will remove any tension from it. Youll be surprised how much easier youll breath after you do the jaw exercises.

There are throat exercises which will open up the throat preventing it from closing while you are sleeping. These exercises also lift and strengthen your soft palate preventing it from flapping.

Its about working smart not hard. You make the choice how many minutes a day you want to train. The minimal time is only three minutes. How long you exercise every day is up to you. You can train for as little as three minutes a day. For quick permanent results, I recommend taking the program that requires ten minutes a day commitment.

It varies a lot between people how quickly the exercises work. It is recommended that you be ready to work the program for two months. The program will most likely stop your snoring quicker than that. But if youre ready to give it full blast for two months, youre guaranteed to cure your self. And you should be ready to commit for about two months to permanently cure your snoring. Although most likely you will have quiet nights long before those two months are up.

I hope Ill soon receive your success story. I love nothing more than opening my email in the morning and reading the stories on how my clients healed themselves using my exercises.

Since snoring is putting such a strain on peoples relationships, many are forced to sleep apart. Some have learned how to live with it but there may be underlying resentment. I suggest you try my program and give me the benefit of the doubt by making a serious commitment to throat training for a few weeks. I assure you, you and your partner will be sleeping like babies before long.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Why Do We Need Omega 3?

By Dave Kool

Omega 3 fatty acids are a family of unsaturated fatty acids that our body can't make. Omega 3 is necessary for brain functioning and also for development and progress of the body. As our body can't produce it so we require food to develop these fatty acids. Fish like salmon and halibut are famous to be the best sources for omega 3 fatty acids. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA) are known to be three main omega 3 fatty acids. Clinical studies suggest that omega 3 fatty acids are very helpful to treat many medical illnesses. It is useful for the prevention of heart disease and numerous other problems which add to heart diseases. It is also beneficial for people who are suffering from prostrate, breast and colon cancer. Some of the benefits and uses of omega 3 include;

High Cholesterol Control

ALA is found in walnuts and fatty fish which are good to reduce cholesterol level in the body. It is also helpful to reduce the trigycerides level in the body.

Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are two incredibly deadly diseases which can be avoided by using substances of DHA and EPA; fish oil is the most excellent resource of these substances. DHA and EPA are also helpful to treat atherosclerosis. These substances hold back the increase of plague and blood clots thus prevents heart disease and stroke. Doctors suggest taking fish in your food two times in a week; it is essential for every person and lowers threat factor of stroke by half.

High Blood Pressure Control

Research proves that omega 3 fatty acids are good to lower blood pressure to great extent. It is also beneficial for people with hypertension. There is one exception not to use mercury rich food as it can increase blood pressure.

Avoiding Rheumatoid arthritis

Tenderness in the joints and morning stiffness are medical conditions which can be avoided by using omega 3 fatty acids. Research shows that omega 3 is also helpful for reducing inflammation.

Help in Osteoporosis

EPA is omega 3 fatty acid which is high in calcium. It puts calcium in the skeleton, boosts calcium level in the body and gives our bones a great power. Those individuals who take EPA in their regular diet do not meet with bone density troubles.

Avoiding Depression

Nerve cell membranes help for nerve communication. These are vital for any human being for his/her cerebral physical condition and to stay attentive. Luckily, omega 3 fatty acids contain imperative mechanism for these membranes. Still we require taking these fatty acids in good quantity. If we are failed there is a strong likelihood to encounter depression.

All these fatty acids play an essential role for suitable functioning of our body. It establishes and maintains our health by escalating energy, routine and stamina. The fatty acids are favorable for strengthening our resistant system. We are more likely to be saved from cardiovascular disease. Consistent use of these fatty acids can aid in weight reduction. Our brain can perform better and it improves functions like brainpower, behavior and vision. These fatty acids are good for wounded people as it speeds up recovery and healing process. It improves our digestive system. In short, these fatty acids are must for each person to stay fit and healthy.

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Tips on the Pests of Chili Plants

By James Peterson

The heterosis effect in capsicums is manifested in the early ripening of the fruits of the first five pickings and in an economically advantageous earliness of yield. In most cases the heterosis cuhivars were superior in yield to the parent cultivars. In the hybrid seed the embryos were bigger, giving rise to bigger plants, more leaves, lower flower abscission and a higher degree of uniformity of fruits.

Crushed red pepper (`pepperone rosso and pizza pepper') is prepared from many hot capsicum varieties and is used in sausage meat, spaghetti and pizza. Chili pepper is a blend of Mexican and Californian capsicums, and chili powder is a mixture containing ground chili pepper, oregano, cumin, garlic powder and other spices. They are not always as hot as commonly believed since some preparations include the milder types of C. annuum.

Flea beetles, Epitrix spp. and Systena blanch., Melsh., can do extensive damage. These jumping beetles are particularly damaging to young plants. Hornworms, Protoparce quinquemaculata (Haw.) and P. sexta (Joh.) devour the leaves of capsicums in northern America. The large green larvae have diagonal lines along the sides and a pronounced horn on the rear end. In small fields they can be controlled by hand-picking, but in large fields dusting or spraying with a suitable pesticide may be necessary. Fennah (1947) says that Phlegethontius sextus (Joh.) is a pest of capsicum in the West Indies. (This is a synonym for Protopace sexta Butl.)

Many cultivars exist and the ease with which those of the same species cross can be used for the breeding and selection of improved cultivars. With the discovery of cytoplasmically inherited male sterility (Peterson, 1958), hybrid F, seed can now be cheaply produced. High temperatures accentuate the sterile condition.

The adult weevil is about 3 mm long, black and sparsely covered with grey or yellowish hairs; it feeds on the leaves, blossom buds and tender pods. The presence of the weevil may be indicated by small pin-holes in blossom buds and pods in which the females have laid their eggs. The period from egg to adult in Cali fornia is 2 to 3 weeks and there are 5 to 8 generations per year. It is controlled by contact insecticides.

The cosmopolitan corn earworm, Heliothis artnigera (Hubn.), and the fall army worm, Laphygma frugiperda S. & A., have been reported attacking capsicums in some areas. They have a large number of alternate hosts.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Be Healthy, Be Cancer Free For Life - Exercise For Health

By Rita Goldman

According to the American Cancer Society, you need to spend at least 30 minutes in a day exercising and continue this regimen for at least five days a week, maybe even more if you can do it, in order to prevent cancer development. No matter how busy you are in life, perhaps too dedicated in your work and value your family time the most, you still have to take care of yourself. The exercise only takes 30 minutes of your time each day to ensure a cancer free life. Remember, you wont be able to enjoy life if you are already struck with cancer.

Exercise does not only prevent you from acquiring cancer but it also prevents several kinds of life threatening diseases such as heart ailment, diabetes, hypertension, and a whole lot more. However, you should pair up exercise with a healthy diet as well in order to double up your protection against the various diseases mentioned. Without eating a healthy diet, your exercise regimen wont be effective.

There are a lot of exercises you can choose from, you can even move on from one exercise to another when you get bored with the first one. You shouldnt think about exercise as a part of your everyday tasks instead, think about it as part of the leisure time you enjoy.

If you enjoy dancing back in the day, you should make it your work out regimen. You can dance your heart away to the groovy music you hear on the radio. You can also take ballroom dancing classes if this is what your heart desires. Exercise doesnt only mean hitting the gym for work out. Believe it or not, most of the enjoyable exercises can be done at home or in the neighborhood.

Another form of exercise which is very popular with young people nowadays is rollerblading. You can do this on the sidewalk of your neighborhood every afternoon or even on the concrete near the beach if you wanted an awesome view. If you have a pool or live near a facility with a pool, you can make swimming your exercise regimen. It is a great form of exercise because it allows you to move every part of your body and it is not very tiresome.

You can also stroll around in the park for a walk or even cycle around it a few times. These two kinds of exercise relieve stress and you can even do this with a friend or with your loved ones. If you have time during the weekends, why not try to play a game of dodge ball in your backyard or perhaps join in team sports activities such as basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and other team sports available in your neighborhood. If there are no local team sport activities in your area, try organizing one. Surely enough, a lot of dads will join the basketball game if there is one available.

If you are one the outdoor enthusiasts, you can go on a hiking spree with your family on weekends. You can double this activity with camping so that you can go hiking down the hillside the next day as well.

As you can see, all of the aforementioned exercises are fun activities you can either do alone or with someone. You can also do weight lifting in the gym every now and then, if you choose to. The most important thing you should remember is to incorporate a 30-minute a day exercise in your life. By sticking to this regimen, you are ensuring a cancer free life ahead of you.

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Diamond Mining Is A Rugged Career

By Elias Riftinger

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, they say. They are highly prized by everyone. But most of us don't know what goes into getting those precious stones from the ground and onto the world's most beautiful jewelry. Sadly, it's not a pleasant story.

For most of history, diamonds were found in river beds. Then in 1871, diamonds were discovered in South Africa's volcanic pipes. These stones were known for their excellent quality and for their size. As a result South Africa quickly became the world's largest diamond producer for use in necklaces, promise rings and other fine jewelry. Other countries with diamond mining operations include Russia, Canada, Australia and Botswana. But South Africa is still the leader in diamond mining.

Diamond mining is a complex process. The gem has to be removed from kimberlite (the surrounding igneous rock). The diamond ore is transported to another location for processing and sorting. Most often this occurs in the wash method: Water washes away the lighter debris from the heavier diamonds that sink into a pan. Think of "panning for gold" and you've got the idea.

There are other processing methods used, such as the "cones and cyclones" method, the x-ray separator and grease tables. In any event the diamonds are carefully separated and sorted by employees who can determine the diamond's grade in seconds. Mining employees are carefully scrutinized to make sure the valuable product is not stolen. Priceless substances can bring out the worst in some people

Of course mining is a very hard-scrabble career. It is not an easy life by any means. The lust for diamonds also means that those seeking diamonds are not always the most scrupulous. Unfortunately, the proceeds from the sale of diamonds are not always used for good causes: Revolutionary groups have taken over some diamond mines. The profits from diamonds sold from those mines are used to buy arms for those groups' efforts. Those diamonds are known as "blood diamonds".

The United Nations and other agencies have been trying to eliminate the blood diamond trade. In 2002, the UN introduced the Kimberly Process, a way of registering the source of specific diamonds and record to whom they are sold. Eventually this may result in the end of the blood diamond trade but it will take time. Sadly, the illegal diamond trade still exists and probably will do so long as long as diamonds are so highly prized and there is no global effort to stop the blood diamond effort.

So while we all appreciate the beauty of diamonds, it is important to remember the people who struggle to dig them from the earth. Remember that those who bring them to market do not necessarily have the most altruistic motives at heart. That's not to say you shouldn't enjoy your possessions but be aware of what may be behind the most valuable jewelry.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Whither the Dahlia?

By Jacob Green

The National Dahlia Society also works in conjunction with the Royal Horticultural Society towards the better appreciation of the dahlia. The instrument here is the Joint Dahlia Committee, composed of an equal number of members from both societies. This committee is responsible for the classification of the dahlia into its differing forms and sizes, but not for the actual listing of varieties in accordance with this classification which is done by the National Dahlia Society.

In addition the committee is responsible both for the selection of dahlias for trial at the Royal Horticultural Societies Gardens at Wisley and for the judging of such varieties. It advises both societies on matters of mutual interest, and is concerned with maintaining good relationship between the two societies and other kindred bodies.

It also sponsors trials of dahlias, although on a somewhat different basis from that of the Wisley Trials as the Association is mainly concerned with commercial potential. For this purpose the trials seem reasonably suitable, but are not quite so helpful to the average amateur as the more strictly run Wisley trials. An award from the B.D.G.A. is unlikely to be of such high value as a selling point as an award at Wisley, a point that is recognised fully by the members of the association.

Although the dahlia is capable of almost infinite variations of form and size, the types that have evolved at any particular point in time have always followed the popular ideas of the day. Nowadays growers seem to have a much more catholic taste and many forms that were not allowed to develop earlier are becoming quite popular, although even today certain classes are more widely grown than others. Yet the seed of change is present. For instance, since the war the giant decoratives have held the prime place of honour, but at the present time it is becoming fairly obvious that the smaller varieties are rapidly overtaking these in popularity. The medium and small cactus in particular are being grown in increasing numbers each year.

The blooms are disbudded at first but later crops are allowed to grow more or less naturally to give a clear picture of the capability of the plant, and are examined at intervals by the committee. Besides the new varieties, a number of standard varieties, all of which have already received awards grown to give a basis of comparison. Outstanding varieties are awarded various certificates, the finest being given an Award of Merit, or, if less outstanding, are marked as Highly Commended.

No doubt some compromise will he eventually reached, because it is not desirable to have two possibly clashing lists within a comparatively small area such as the United Kingdom.

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Chinese Cinnamon Cassia

By Timothy Fidelma

A small amount of a third type, cassia vera, produced mainly in Java, Celebes and other neighbouring islands, is exported mainly from Makassar, the German Federal Republic being the chief importers.

In the USA, spice millers cut selected pieces of the three types of cassia bark into short lengths for sale as 'whole cinnamon'. The great bulk of the cassias imported is ground to produce 'ground cassia- cinnamon'. The various kinds of cassia bark are different in flavour and degree of aroma, but all are agreeable, fragrant and aromatic. Saigon cassia is generally acknowledged to possess the fullest and finest flavour and it is the preferred type in the USA. The various types are ground separately or blended to meet the needs of the bakery and food- processing industries, being used directly in the ground form or for oleoresin extraction. Ground cassias are sold for domestic culinary use, usually without distinction as to type, under the label of 'cassia- cinnamon'.

The quality of cinnamon and the various cassias is primarily assessed on the basis of their appearance and on the content and aroma/flavour character of their volatile oil. The relative importance of these quality attributes is dependent, however, on their intended end-use. The appearance of the spice is rather more important when it is to be sold in the whole form on the retail market than if it is to be used for grinding or for the preparation of the essential oil or the oleoresin.

Seychelles Cinnamon is variously graded as compound quills, simple quills and quillings, thin scraped hark and rough unscraped bark. The last grade is the largest export, and is used largely in the formulation of mixed spices. Its essential-oil content is low, and according to trade opinion, averages about 0.8 per cent.

The harvesting and preparation of cinnamon in Sri Lanka is generally undertaken for a farmer by contract peelers, usually a group of two families. Sufficient material is cut for a day's peeling, the working day being from about 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Stems, measuring 1.2-5.0 cm in diameter, are cut early in the morning and the twigs and leaves are detached; the last may be retained for distillation purposes. The cut stems are then bundled and are transported by bullock cart to the peeling shed.

The Korintji and Padang (syn. Batavia) forms are graded by appearance into A, B, C and D types according to length, colour and quality, and are sold on their content of volatile oil. The USA is the main importer of Indonesian cassia, and experience there shows that the volatile-oil content usually varies between 1.3 per cent for Korintji C and 4 per cent for Korintji A, and between 1 per cent for Batavia C and 2.7 per cent for Batavia A. There is one other grade, Batavia AA, where the oil content is of little importance since the product is sold (in the USA) for packing in glass bottles where appearance is all-important.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finding Your Kids Clothing

By Abbie Down

Children's clothes can be an expensive item to shop for when you are trying to keep your family on a budget. Finding quality clothing at a good price is one of the ways that you can keep in your budget and find clothing that will last for years.

The children's clothes that you will find available in the stores is truly irresistible. You can just see your youngster in these items when you see the styles in the stores. When you are a family with young children it is quite common for their to be budget limits on the clothing that you are able to buy. If you spend some time looking for your children's clothes, you will be able to dress them well and still keep your budget intact.

Look for the discount stores in your local area to find the children's clothes that you want for your child. You will find some of the best designer clothes for your child at a price that is affordable for you and your family. One of the hardest things about shopping for children's clothes is the speed that children grow out of their clothes. It can be a real problem to keep your children well dressed when they are constantly outgrowing their clothes.

One other way that some families are using to find children's clothes at a good price is online shopping. Many families have discovered the ease of shopping and the prices are almost unbeatable in regular stores. The one thing that a parent can do when using online shopping for their kids is research the sites. Make sure that they offer a good price for the shipping and a return policy that lets you send the items back in the event that the clothes don't fit. These are just a few of the things that you should be paying attention to when you are online shopping.

Many parents have discovered that children's clothes can be handed down to other families in need. If you have children who have outgrown their clothes, be sure that you donate them so that some other family can make some use of the items. There are times when the clothing that you buy for your child only gets one or two wears before it is outgrown. Don't let those great clothes go to waste.

Finding the high quality items that you want for your children's clothes is easy if you put in the time and effort. You will also be able to give to those in need when you buy clothing that will hold up well over time.

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Omega 3. A Must Intake

By Johnson Ball

Omega 3 fatty acids are a family of unsaturated fatty acids that our body can't make. Omega 3 is necessary for brain functioning and also for development and progress of the body. As our body can't produce it so we require food to develop these fatty acids. Fish like salmon and halibut are famous to be the best sources for omega 3 fatty acids. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA) are known to be three main omega 3 fatty acids. Clinical studies suggest that omega 3 fatty acids are very helpful to treat many medical illnesses. It is useful for the prevention of heart disease and numerous other problems which add to heart diseases. It is also beneficial for people who are suffering from prostrate, breast and colon cancer. Some of the benefits and uses of omega 3 include;

High Cholesterol Control

ALA is found in walnuts and fatty fish which are good to decrease cholesterol level in the body. It is also useful to lessen the trigycerides level in the body.

Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are two very lethal ailments which can be restricted by using substances of DHA and EPA; fish oil is the greatest source of these substances. DHA and EPA are also supportive to treat atherosclerosis. These substances suppress the development of plague and blood clots thus avoid heart disease and stroke. Doctors suggest taking fish in your food two times in a week; it is necessary for every person and reduces risk factor of stroke by half.

High Blood Pressure Control

Research confirms that omega 3 fatty acids are excellent to decrease blood pressure to great extent. It is also useful for people with hypertension. There is one omission not to use mercury rich diet as it can increase blood pressure.

Avoiding Rheumatoid arthritis

Softness in the joints and morning stiffness are health conditions which can be avoided by using omega 3 fatty acids. Study shows that omega 3 is also helpful for dropping inflammation.

Help in Osteoporosis

EPA is omega 3 fatty acid that is rich in calcium. It adds calcium in the bones and improves calcium level in the body and gives our bones a great strength. Those people who take EPA in their routine diet do not come across bone density harms.

Avoiding Depression

Nerve cell membranes help for nerve communication. These are vital for any human being for his/her cerebral health and to stay watchful. Luckily, omega 3 fatty acids contain imperative parts for these membranes. Still we need to take these fatty acids in good ratio. If we fall short there is a strong possibility to encounter depression.

All these fatty acids play a vital role for proper functioning of our body. It establishes and upholds our health by increasing energy, performance and stamina. The fatty acids are great for empowering our immune system. We are more likely to be saved from cardiovascular disease. Consistent use of these fatty acids can aid in weight reduction. Our brain can perform better and it improves functions like intelligence, behavior and vision. These fatty acids are good for wounded people as it speeds up recovery and healing process. It improves our digestive system. In short, these fatty acids are must for every person to stay fit and healthy.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Health Coverage Lapses Affect All Of Us

By Ethan Kalvin

When we think of Americans who don't have health insurance, we first think of the unemployed. However, the unemployed are not the only ones without coverage. In today's world, having a full time job is no longer a guarantee of insurance benefits. Companies are struggling more and more, and one of the places they are cutting costs is through health care benefits for employees. This increase in the numbers of uninsured is creating a new class of society that is stuck in a catch-22 position. They make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to pay for private insurance.

For instance, a third of American business did not offer any type of health insurance coverage for their employees in 2007. The skyrocketing costs of doing business is wreaking havoc on sthe smaller companies as they strugle to stay afloat. And thus, we have a growing health care crisis in our country.

There is a lot of talk against a government run health care system. Many call it socialism, and claim that our forefathers never intended our country to be run this way. Truth is, that our forefathers likely had no clue that we would one day be controlled by a very greedy rich few who control our health care system. When honest citizens are dying because they can't get proper health care, then the system is broken. It is time that the citizens stand up and speak clearly to the politicians.

Throughout 2006 and 2007 approximately 1/3 of the population, or about 90 million people under the age of 65, spent a portion of that time without any health coverage at all. As one of the most successful and wealthy countries of the world, shouldn't we be providing our own citizens with the things they need for survival? It just seems that we should be doing a better job of prioritizing and supporting our people. Punishing these people under with the guise of remaining a democratic country just seems wrong.

Whatever you feel about how the health crisis should be solved, it must be acknowledged that there is a real problem which needs to be fixed. We need to come together and find a solution. If not, then our country will remain in trouble.

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Tips To Getting That Six Pack Abs

By Fred

If you ever happen to turn on the television in the middle of the night, you'll notice a flood of infomercials selling the latest in home gym technology: machines that guarantee you'll have a sexy, slimmer body with washboard abs by working out for as little as 5 minutes a day.

Sadly, a lot of these machines can be misleading, like those abdominal gadgets that promise you a six pack in just two weeks. Contrary to most peoples belief, doing crunches won't make you slimmer, it will only give you stronger abs. It doesn't matter what kind of machine you're using, because those strong abs are buried under those layers of fat, and the only way to get rid of those are by doing cardiovascular exercises.

In order to get the look you're after you need to concentrate on: If you want to get the perfect abs, you should try doing the following: 1. Have a healthy diet. 2. Increase your metabolism. 3. Follow proper abdominal excerises.

No matter what abdominal machine you're using, or how expensive it is, you won't see any results if you don't follow the above routine. It's easy to buy into the glitzy infommercials on TV, especially when you see attractive models with hard bodies using the products, while promising you the same kind of success. All you need is a five minutes.... Walking to the other side of the room is five minutes, and you're obviously not losing weight from that.

If you really want to get those a flat stomach or rock hard abs, you need to learn about the proper way of losing weight and building muscle tone.

Here's one tip on how to effectively burn calories: HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training. What's that, you say? It's a combination of high energy sports such as sprinting or exercise bike sprinting. You do a sustained 30 minutes of biking or running, alternative it with 2-3 minutes of jogging or slow pedaling. Do this alternately for 20 minutes.

This type of training, combined with 5-6 small meals a day every 2.5-3 hours, will effectively burn the calories from your body. Having a diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and omega 3 fats, and doing away with less saturated fats, and you'll be on your way to getting that perfect washboard abs.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Children With Bipolar

By Ken P Doyle

Suffering from Bipolar is difficult enough as an adult when you are aware of what is going on, for a child who has no idea what is going on it is even more difficult. It is even harder for the parents of children suffering from bipolar to deal with the mood swings, the psychological ramifications and the fallout that can happen from friends, family and school. Bipolar in children can appear differently from the symptoms of bipolar found in adults.

This is one of the things that make it difficult to diagnose bipolar disorder in children because they appear to be related to the symptoms of bipolar but they are not. As we all know children cannot express themselves and let us know how they are feeling compared to adults who are better in informing us of what is happening inside their life.

Behaviors of children with bipolar can range from things such as night terrors, extreme tantrums, despondency, or extreme affection. There are other symptoms of bipolar which can be expressed, but so often you come across as a random set of activities or behaviors that often have no explanation.

Bipolar Symptoms in Children

Symptoms of bipolar in children can include bedwetting, night terrors, learning disabilities, obsessions, daydreaming, compulsive behavior, motor or vocal tics, diff difficulties with short-term memory difficulties with short-term memory. Children may also lie, destroy property, and show signs of bossiness and paranoia. There are other symptoms, which may be indicators of bipolar in children. These symptoms include distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsivity, inability to sit still, and irritability.

There are also usually frequent mood swings, separation anxiety, rages, social anxiety, and oversensitivity to both emotional and environmental stimulus. Other less common symptoms include cruelty to animals, self-mutilating behaviors, and even migraine headaches. All of these symptoms can be indications of bipolar in children.

Line of Action

There are certainly more behavioral differences with children than with adults when it comes to symptoms. This is primarily because children do not always know how to express what is wrong. It is up to parents, teachers and doctors to take note of these behaviors. The difficulty is that bipolar in children is still being explored and until recently, it was not diagnosed or in many cases considered.

Education through others or the internet can provide a wealth of information on symptoms of bipolar. Educating yourself is the first step to helping your child. Through the internet you can also find information on what you can do at home. But there is no substitute for medical treatment.

Because of the myriad of symptoms of bipolar that children can exhibit Bipolar in children is a real disease and is often misdiagnosed. Doctors can recommend everything from medication, therapy, nutrimental supplements to environmental changes that can help to reduce the effects of bipolar. But, education is essential in being able to help your child overcome bipolar and its impact upon their life. To help children with bipolar lead a normal mainstream life medication can also be prescribed by doctors.

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The Lasik Eye Surgery Procedure

By Jayson Lee

While lasik surgery is no trivial matter, the procedure is actually quick and the patient is awake the entire time. There is no pain during the surgery, but there may be some mild discomfort. Your doctor or lasik center can provide you with a full account of what your lasik eye surgery will entail, but the following is a basic overview of the process.

Prior to having the surgery, you will undergo a thorough eye examination where your eyes are measured, the overall health of your eyes is determined and your vision is tested. Your lasik surgeon will discuss the procedure with you in detail and give you an opportunity to ask any questions you have.

On the day of your surgery, the laser that will be used to perform your lasik procedure is tested to ensure its accuracy. The computer is then set to apply the proper correction needed for your eye. During your surgery, the laser will be controlled by the computer so your doctor will take every precaution to ensure that the equipment is functioning correctly and accurately before your surgery.

You will be led to the treatment room and asked to lie down. Since the operation is performed one eye at a time, an eye patch will be placed over one eye and eye drops will be given to numb the eye being operated upon. No additional anaesthetic is administered. Your eye will be held open throughout the procedure with a speculum, which might feel a bit uncomfortable, but will not cause any pain.

Just prior to the start of your surgery, a red blinking light is turned on and the patient is instructed to focus on it while the surgery is performed. You will feel some pressure and hear the clicks of the laser while a flap is created and lifted. The small blinking light will appear blurry.

When surgery is complete, more drops will be administered. If, as in most cases, you are having both of your eyes treated, the process will be repeated for the other eye.

Once surgery is complete for both eyes, you will be directed to sit up and rest for a few moments. It usually takes less than one minute of laser time per eye, but plan on the appointment taking an hour to an hour and a half to account for preparation, resting and any unscheduled delays.

Even though this overview of the lasik surgery procedure makes the process seem simple, it is important to realize that it is not. There are several considerations that need to be accounted for such as risks, complications, recovery time, cost and more. If you are considering lasik, make sure you speak with your doctor at length and ask as many questions as you can in order to understand not just the procedure itself, but also all of the accompanying issues.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Are You Using Dangerous Cosmetics?

By Peter Albertonach

The big name cosmetics lines that you find in your stores and that you may even be using today have suspect or even dangerous ingredients in them. Where do you find safe cosmetics to use?

Sadly the FDA doesn't regulate cosmetics, and isn't required to test the ingredients of cosmetics for safety for human use. Or safe for human consumption.

Well that's going overboard isn't it? Human consumption? We don't eat cosmetics.

Well actually, in effect, we do. You see when you put a product like a moisturizer or blush or whatever product it may be onto our face a little of it soaks in and that little bit gets into your bloodstream exactly as if you had eaten it.

Potentially dangerous ingredients have got into your system even though you didn't intend it.

And sadly there are some very nasty ingredients in our body care products, cosmetics, skin care and anti aging products and other beauty products. Our lipsticks, mascaras, blushes, foundations, eye shadows and more have ingredients in them that have been shown to cause cancer.

Heres a quote direct from the FDA website:

The regulatory requirements governing the sale of cosmetics are not as stringent as those that apply to other FDA-regulated products Manufacturers may use any ingredient or raw material, except for color additives and a few prohibited substances, to market a product without a government review or approval.

Scary isnt it?

There are even whole organizations set up to combat the spread of dangerous ingredients in cosmetics and other personal products. One well known one is called the Campaign For Safe Cosmetics.

Look at their website and you'll find this:

1. A study has found that some (more than half of those tested) major big name brands of lipstick contain lead, including:

Christian Dior Addict Cover Girl Incredifull Lipcolor Maximum Red True Red and Positive Red LOreal Colour Riche were included. And the tainted lipsticks included some expensive brands too, so it doesn't help to pay more.

2. Some cosmetics also contain 1,4-Dioxane. If you look at the label of these brands you won't find it listed on the label, so you can't tell.

There's dozens of examples, I won't bore you listing them all, though I talk about this on my website. But the real question is, how do you find safe cosmetics?

Yes you can find safe cosmetics, just as you can find safe (and very effective) safe skin care products.

There are a number of small niche cosmetics companies that work very hard to produce safe and high quality cosmetics ranges for the canny consumer. The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics actually has a register that these companies can sign to evidence their commitment to producing safe products, though you won't find the big brands have signed it.

Unfortunately these small companies can't even try to compete with the big brands on marketing budget so you won't see their ads on TV, and so have probably never heard of them. But they have top shelf products to sell.

If you head over to my website you'll find out who are the very best of the manufacturers of high quality skin care products and cosmetics.

Whether you want to source good cosmetics or skin care products you can buy with confidence that you aren't putting your health at risk.

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Be Vigilant Against Cancer " Take Yearly Mammograms

By Rita Goldman

Breast cancer can be detected early by undergoing yearly mammograms. Women aged forty and above are advised to undergo this yearly routine because this is the age range when breast cancer starts to manifest. Through early detection of possible breast cancer, you can treat the impeding health danger ahead of you. Most stage 1 breast cancer cases have 100% success rate of cure when detected early.

Mammograms are specialized x-ray machines for detecting and examining breast changes in women who have no breast symptoms as well as for women who have breast lumps, pain, and abnormal nipple discharge. When a woman shows no breast cancer symptoms, they undergo screening mammograms while women with symptoms take diagnostic mammograms. These are the two types of mammograms which can be performed in a clinic or hospital.

Unlike traditional x-ray machines, mammograms only use low doses of radiation and x-rays. As opposed to the myth that mammograms cause cancer, it actually does not because the low doses of radiation do not cause any impeding danger of cancer development.

A radiologist initially reads the mammogram results to detect any abnormal images on the womans breasts. If you have been seeing a personal doctor, it would be best to bring all of your mammogram exam results ever since you started your yearly exams because your doctor can perfectly tell if there had been any changes in the mammogram images of your breasts. When he sees any abnormal changes, he will take your mammogram results to another doctor for a second opinion and directly proceed to a more in depth diagnosis of your breasts.

When you perpetually undergo mammograms each year, you are definitely safeguarding yourself from the dangers of breast cancer. As women, we have a responsibility to keep our health in its tiptop shape. Together with the yearly mammogram tests, we should also avoid all the known risk factors of cancer development to really become cancer free.

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